app/template/default/Help/sitemap.twig line 1

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  1. {#
  2. This file is part of EC-CUBE
  3. Copyright(c) EC-CUBE CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
  5. For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  6. file that was distributed with this source code.
  7. #}
  8. {% extends 'default_frame.twig' %}
  9. {% set body_class = 'front_page' %}
  10. {% block javascript %}
  11.     <script>
  12.         const categories = ["お仏壇・ステージ","お位牌","仏壇・仏具セット","仏具・日用品","手元供養"];
  13.         $(document).ready(function () {
  14.             categories.forEach((category, index) => {
  15.                 $("." + category + "_list").hide();
  16.                 $(function () {
  17.                     $('.'+ category ).on('click', function () {
  18.                         $("." + category + "_list").slideToggle(400)
  19.                         $("." + category + "_arrow").toggleClass('-rotate-[180deg]')
  20.                     });
  21.                 });
  22.             })
  23.         });
  24.     </script>
  25.     <script>
  26.         $(document).ready(function () {
  27.             $('.service_list, .guide_list').hide();
  28.             $(function () {
  29.                 $('.service').on('click', function () {
  30.                     $('.service_list').slideToggle(400)
  31.                     $('.service_arrow').toggleClass('-rotate-[180deg]')
  32.                 });
  33.             });
  34.             $(function () {
  35.                 $('.guide').on('click', function () {
  36.                     $('.guide_list').slideToggle(400)
  37.                     $('.guide_arrow').toggleClass('-rotate-[180deg]')
  38.                 });
  39.             });
  40.         });
  41.     </script>
  42. {% endblock javascript %}
  43. {% set services = [
  44.     { 'name':'まなかの商品選びサポートサービス',
  45.       'route':'service',
  46.       'url':'user_data'
  47.     },
  48.     { 'name':'カタログお届けサービス',
  49.       'route':'catalog',
  50.       'url':'user_data'
  51.     },
  52.     { 'name':'コーディネート撮影サービス',
  53.       'route':'photo_services',
  54.       'url':'user_data'
  55.     },
  56.     { 'name':'お仏壇引き取りサービス',
  57.       'route':'pick_up_altar',
  58.       'url':'user_data'
  59.     },
  60. ] %}
  61. {% set guides = [
  62.     {
  63.         'name':'ご注文手順',
  64.         'id':'#sec01',
  65.         'route':'guide_detail'
  66.     },
  67.     {
  68.         'name':'送料・配送方法',
  69.         'id':'#sec02',
  70.         'route':'guide_detail'
  71.     },
  72.     {
  73.         'name':'お支払い方法',
  74.         'id':'#sec03',
  75.         'route':'guide_detail'
  76.     },
  77.     { 'name':'会員登録について',
  78.         'id':'#sec04',
  79.         'route':'guide_detail'
  80.     },
  81.     {
  82.         'name':'お仏壇の引き取りについて',
  83.         'id':'#sec05',
  84.         'route':'guide_detail'
  85.     },
  86.     {
  87.         'name':'お位牌への名入れサービス',
  88.         'id':'#sec06',
  89.         'route':'guide_detail'
  90.     },
  91.     {
  92.         'name':'返品・交換・キャンセル・追加',
  93.         'id':'#sec07',
  94.         'route':'guide_detail'
  95.     },
  96.     {
  97.         'name':'領収書の発行',
  98.         'id':'#sec08',
  99.         'route':'guide_detail'
  100.     },
  101.     {
  102.         'name':'運営会社について',
  103.         'id':'#sec09',
  104.         'route':'guide_detail'
  105.     },
  106.     { 'name':'よくあるご質問',
  107.         'id':null,
  108.         'route':'qa'
  109.     },
  110.     { 'name':'お位牌への名入れについて',
  111.         'id':null,
  112.         'route':'naire'
  113.     },
  114. ] %}
  115. {% block main %}
  116.     <div class="mx-auto w-full max-w-[max(58.3vw,1024px)] lg:max-w-none lg:mx-0 flex flex-col items-center justify-center animate-slideIn">
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  118.             <h2 class="text-[40px] text-center mt-20 md:mt-10 md:text-xl font-extralight">サイトマップ</h2>
  119.             <div class="w-full  flex flex-col gap-y-24 md:gap-y-16 font-extralight">
  120.                 {% for key, categoryProduct in Products %}
  121.                     <div class="w-full">
  122.                         <div class="{{key}} py-6 px-[28px] border-y-[1px] border-[#DFDFDF] mb-[-1px] flex justify-between items-center md:py-3 md:px-[10px] cursor-pointer hover">
  123.                             <h3 class="text-xl md:text-base">{{key}}</h3>
  124.                             <img src="{{ asset('assets/icon/ChevronDownOutline.svg') }}" alt="" class="{{key}}_arrow md:w-5 md:h-5">
  125.                         </div>
  126.                         <ul class="{{key}}_list grid grid-cols-2 gap-x-[18px] w-full md:text-xs">
  127.                             {% for Product in categoryProduct %}
  128.                                 <li class="py-[20px] px-[28px] mb-[-1px] border-y-[1px] border-[#DFDFDF] md:py-3 md:px-[10px] hover">
  129.                                     <a href="{{ url('product_detail', {'id':}) }}" class="visited:text-black hover">
  130.                                         <p class="hover:underline ">{{}}</p>
  131.                                     </a>
  132.                                 </li>
  133.                             {% endfor %}
  134.                         </ul>
  135.                     </div>
  136.                 {% endfor %}
  137.             </div>
  138.             <div
  139.                 class="">
  140.                 {# 祈りの道具屋まなかについて #}
  141.                 <a href="{{url('help_about')}}" class="py-5 px-[28px] border-y-[1px] border-[#DFDFDF] mb-[-1px] flex justify-between items-center md:py-3 md:px-[10px]  cursor-pointer">
  142.                     <h3 class="text-xl md:text-base">祈りの道具屋まなかについて</h3>
  143.                 </a>
  144.                 {# 祈りの特集 #}
  145.                 <a href="{{url('special_posts')}}" class="py-5 px-[28px] border-y-[1px] border-[#DFDFDF] mb-[-1px] flex justify-between items-center md:py-3 md:px-[10px]  cursor-pointer">
  146.                     <h3 class="text-xl md:text-base">祈りの特集</h3>
  147.                 </a>
  148.                 {# お知らせ #}
  149.                 <a href="{{url('user_data',{route:'reading'})}}" class="py-5 px-[28px] border-y-[1px] border-[#DFDFDF] mb-[-1px] flex justify-between items-center md:py-3 md:px-[10px]  cursor-pointer">
  150.                     <h3 class="text-xl md:text-base">お知らせ</h3>
  151.                 </a>
  152.                 {# 銀座・横浜元町ショールーム #}
  153.                 <a href="{{url('user_data',{route:'showroom'})}}" class="py-5 px-[28px] border-y-[1px] border-[#DFDFDF] mb-[-1px] flex justify-between items-center md:py-3 md:px-[10px]  cursor-pointer">
  154.                     <h3 class="text-xl md:text-base">銀座・横浜元町ショールーム</h3>
  155.                 </a>
  156.             </div>
  157.             {# まなかの商品選びサポートサービス #}
  158.             <div class="w-full">
  159.                 <div class="hover py-6 px-[28px] border-y-[1px] border-[#DFDFDF] mb-[-1px] flex justify-between items-center md:py-3 md:px-[10px] service  cursor-pointer">
  160.                     <h3 class="text-xl md:text-base">まなかの商品選びサポートサービス
  161.                     </h3>
  162.                     <img src="{{ asset('assets/icon/ChevronDownOutline.svg') }}" alt="" class="service_arrow md:w-5 md:h-5 ">
  163.                 </div>
  164.                 <ul class="service_list grid grid-cols-2 gap-x-[18px] md:text-xs">
  165.                     {% for service in services %}
  166.                         <li class="py-5 px-[28px] mb-[-1px] border-y-[1px] border-[#DFDFDF] md:py-3 md:px-[10px] ">
  167.                             <a href="{{url(service.url,{'route':service.route})}}" class="visited:text-black hover">
  168.                                 <p class="hover:underline leading-loose">{{}}</p>
  169.                             </a>
  170.                         </li>
  171.                     {% endfor %}
  172.                 </ul>
  173.             </div>
  174.             {# ご利用ガイド #}
  175.             <div class="w-full">
  176.                 <div class="guide hover py-6 px-[28px] border-y-[1px] border-[#DFDFDF] mb-[-1px] flex justify-between items-center md:py-3 md:px-[10px] cursor-pointer">
  177.                     <h3 class="text-xl md:text-base">ご利用ガイド</h3>
  178.                     <img src="{{ asset('assets/icon/ChevronDownOutline.svg') }}" alt="" class="guide_arrow md:w-5 md:h-5 ">
  179.                 </div>
  180.                 <ul class="guide_list grid grid-cols-2 gap-x-[18px] md:text-xs">
  181.                     {% for guide in guides %}
  182.                         <li class="py-5 px-[28px] mb-[-1px] border-y-[1px] border-[#DFDFDF] md:py-3 md:px-[10px] ">
  183.                             <a href="{{url('user_data',{route:guide.route})}}{{}}" class="visited:text-black hover">
  184.                                 <p class="hover:underline leading-loose">{{}}</p>
  185.                             </a>
  186.                         </li>
  187.                     {% endfor %}
  188.                 </ul>
  189.             </div>
  190.         </div>
  191.     </div>
  192.     {% set breadcrumbs = [
  193.         {
  194.             'name':'サイトマップ',
  195.         }
  196.     ] %}
  197.     {{ include("Block/breadcrumbs.twig") }}
  198. </div>
  199. {% endblock %}